Qsel Launcher ------------- Unzip files to a program folder, and run SetupWiz for data folder and shortcuts. USB flash drive: Unzip to any folder on USB drive. SetupWiz will offer to make a Qsel starter in the root directory. Updating Qsel: SetupWiz not required, however.. on a flash drive SetupWiz will update the Qsel.exe copy in the root directory. The first time you run Qsel the configuration window will open. Enter a launcher title ("category") and click Help (?) for more.. ++++ History: Version 1.60 - 07 July 2007 SetupWiz (see above) New "General Settings" window with start options Note: start options in shortcut properties are no longer supported, except for working directory Configuration: Category button (Hotkey: Ctrl+Space) offers all categories and "New Category" Category Icon selectable, "New" button removed Ok/Cancel/Apply buttons New (internal) handling Custom Icon for web links to be specified in INI file, [main] section, WebIcon = ... Full Category list as popup menu by right mouse click on title button (Hotkey: Ctrl+Space) "New Category" item moved from context menu to full Category popup. Abandoned: Most recently used categories (right click on "back" button) TrayIcon menu (right click): more options, full category list as sub menu Bugfix: Setting Systray mode in Configuration window Version 1.51 - 15 May 2007 Ctrl + [x] button to exit (also in configuration window) Configuration window: "New Category" button "?" button offers menu: Help, Info Context menu confined to settings Category Index Window: New: right mouse click offers "Configuration" for selected(!) category Launcher Window: Back button, right mouse click offers stack of recent categories Category names "Main", "Start" and "New Category" and existing categories are not accepted Version 1.50 - 27 March 2007 Qsel working directory (data files) can be redirected by file QselRedir.ini (see Help) New "Variable Drive Letter" flag can be set manually (see Help) Environmental variable %Vdrive% New Category Name Handling Configuration: Quit has same functionality as [x]: asking "save?.." if any changes New [start] section in INI file to tweak start options (see Help) When Flash drive is removed: should no longer crash when trying to close Fixed: Icon display if path without drive New: Data folder will be created if it does not exsist (Qsel asks/confirms) Version 1.46 - 16 February 2007 Category Icons can be defined in the INI file, section of the category, item: CatIcon = (file path) Version 1.45 - 06 January 2007 When menu item cannot be opened: message box, option to enter configuration Category items can be large icons Version 1.44 - 24 September 2006 Auto adopt drive letters: system drive and and drive of user data remain untouched Version 1.43 - 05 September 2006 Fully suported: commands with relative path "Browse" buttons changed Version 1.42 - 30 August 2006 Bugfix: Save INI file on Windows shutdown (new INI handler) new Info (About) box Version 1.41 - 25 August 2006 Internal: new INI file handler to speed use on USB sticks Version 1.40 - 19 August 2006 Category list window now has own properties and settings For a new category the properties and settings are taken from the current window Context menu modified Minor bugs fixed; improvements Version 1.31 - 13 August 2006 Fixed: "Keep Open" option Version 1.30 - 13 August 2006 List of Categories now in current window (instead popup menu) Different settings menus in launcher window and category list New command parameter: Start with Category list ESC in configuration window In Launcher window: F1: Info, F2:Configuration Minor bugs fixed; improvements Version 1.22 - 05 August 2006 Bugfix: ini file section delete did not work Small icon mode: multi column Version 1.21 - 03 July 2006 Bugfix New Qsel Window: now opens empty configuration Separator line (small icons) can be defined in INI file, [Main] Separator=..... Version 1.20 - 13 June 2006 Internal changes for better performance Option: Auto align windows (if several menus) at upper left/right corner (!) Option: Open window centered Wrap-around stack for back button (previous window) In Setup: Test run by double click, direct Setup window for other menus Version 1.10 - 09 November 2005 Auto adopt drive letter for flash drives, CD-ROMs Multiple instances (for different configurations) are allowed now Bugfix: MRU ignored, if it does not exist Version 1.05 - 17 October 2005 Bugfix: Open Folder (Explorer window) Version 1.04 - 18 August 2005 Optional: minimized launching Version 1.03 - 1 August 2005 Icon file path without drive now supported Version 1.02 - 13 January 2005 Documents are opened with the default function now (instead "open"). Initial position set (marks first item) Version 1.01 - 6 January 2005 minor bug fixes +++++